m a n r u n n i n g      s t u d i o

manrunning studio: fridge tracks



I’ve launched a new project on Kickstarter.com to share Fridge Tracks with anyone who wants a roller coaster in their kitchen.

It’s not just about playing with marbles, it’s a toy for exploring physics and learning without knowing that we’re “learning”.


After several prototype builds, just when we were feeling pretty good about everything, Corinne, the coolest scientist/teacher we know, challenged us to make a piece that would do a loop-the-loop.

We did something better - we figured out how to get a loop-the-loop with the pieces we already had made.  Check out the video on the right.

For me, the best part of this whole thing is that my children have been involved - not just in play testing but making suggestions for improvements and really taking a sense of ownership in the whole thing.

As my “likes to pretend he’s not smart” eldest son Matt said when I was debating what to tell everyone, “Dad, it’s the scientific method.  Try, fail, learn, try again.

Many thanks to Matt, for being right, and for coming up with the name Fridge Tracks.